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The Recipe Book

Generous and passionate about cooking, wife of a wonderful man and mother of three grown daughters. I like to make fun of my little flat and share my recipes.

Save Your Finances As well as Your Health By Planting A Vegetable Garden

Posted on September 22 2015 by Mary R. Baker in Gardening

Save Your Finances As well as Your Health By Planting A Vegetable Garden

Is it time to do something else entirely with the backyard? Perhaps you are considering buying a new pool, but maybe you should consider planting a vegetable instead. It is a good way to do some physical work in the quiet of your yard, giving you a good way to relieve some of your stress. Not only that, but the added food will help your budget, and the vegetables are good for your family's health.

Food is definitely increasing in price, today, even vegetables, and having a way to lower these costs would help anyone's budget. Your own garden might not be too large, and the vegetables you grow, might not feed your family completely, but it certainly will help. Consider how nice it is to not have to always run to the store to buy vegetables. The veggies can even last the whole year, if you plant the right ones, and have a way to preserve them. There's no question that a lot of children would prefer not to have greens, but you can change that by starting them early enough on homegrown vegetables, and get them used to eating good vegetables.

You can certainly expect your children to fuss about eating vegetables but try and talk about how much work you have done to help them have healthy food. Inspire your children to assist you in the garden and even give each one their own little garden plot to grow whatever they wish. Let them choose a vegetable that they prefer to eat and then allow them to raise it on their own. When you are performing this, your children may even learn about the benefits to their health of eating fresh vegetables. Sad to say, many people have poor health as a result of lack of nutrients and minerals in the soil. If you cultivate your garden properly, your family should be able to get all the necessary minerals they need to be healthy.

With homegrown vegetables, you can expect to get a lot of roughage, minerals, and vitamins in your diet. You digestive tract and bowels require plenty of fiber as a way to work correctly. It can help to reduce heart disease and also some cancers and will also decrease bad cholesterol. Taking this into consideration, you may want to sow some peas, carrots, spinach, or cabbage. By including tomatoes, celery, and potatoes within your garden, you'll receive potassium to keep your blood pressure healthy and maintain proper function of the brain and your muscles. You can get vitamins and minerals your body requires by means of planting various vegetables.

Your time invested in the garden can be that much more enjoyable because you know you are helping your family to be healthy. Creating a garden is an efficient method for teaching children the importance of proper food and how it will make you healthy.